Unique Modern Artwork     

 The Artist- Susan Powell



Elegant hand-painted acrylic artwork on stretched canvas. Each is a signed original by Susan Powell.


Prices start at £45.   

( Please Note, some examples of the artwork displayed has already been sold and each piece is unique can not be reproduced. Photographs may vary in colour and tone from the original artwork.  Please contact the artist via email if you are interested in an artwork or wish to enquire about a commission, thank you.)


Young welsh artist, Susan Powell works mainly in acrylics producing one-off pieces in her unique style. She takes her inspiration from the details in fauna and flora around her. She has already exhibited work in art spaces in the UK and Spain.


L’artista de pais de Gal•les, la jove Susan Powell pinta obres acril•liques de tall molt ùnic, prenén la seva inspiracio en els detalls de la flora i  flauna que l’envolten. Flag




  • Susan Powell had an art exhibition in    " El Cercle" (Cuitians Street, Girona, Spain) from the 1st of August till the 30th September 2009.

  • She exhibited her artwork at Girona's painting fair on the Rambla in Girona on the 1st November 2008 and 2009.

  •  La Susan Powell va tenir' un exposicio' d'art al bar "El Cercle" (Carrer Ciutadans, Girona) del 1 d'Agost fins al 30 de Setembre 2009.

  • Li va exposar les seus obres a La Fira de la pintura i la fotografia 2008 i 2009 a La Rambla, a Girona, el dia 1 de Novembre.



  For further information & artwork prices please Email: suspowel@yahoo.com LANGARTH STUD-  Quality Welsh Part-Bred Horses. - click here to return to their Homepage